20 Motivational Quotes to Inspire Action

Motivational quotes can trigger the invisible push buttons inside the human mind that unleash immense positive energy. These motivational quotes have been worded by the most experienced and successful entrepreneurs, sportspeople, social workers, politicians, and war veterans from the world, each quote a brook of inspiration, a river of knowledge, and an ocean of motivation. Not only do these gem-like quotes instill a desire for achievement and success in you, but also encapsulate the valuable life lessons learnt by the people who’ve given these quotes. Start your day with a look at the most impactful motivational quotes, and see how your brain responds to the stimulus and prepares for another successful day.

20 Motivational Quotes to Inspire Action- Infographic - An Infographic from Seeking Increase

Embedded from Seeking Increase

The infographic is the courtesy of seekingincrease.com

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Carbon neutrality: what is it, how to achieve it and why you should care

By Hubert Day | June 22, 2022

When sustainability is on the agenda, you’re likely to hear many terms mentioned that you may or may not be…

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